The following features shall be released on the 3 May 2021, some features have been released to partners testing environments only and are not yet enabled in Production (shall be enabled in a future release).
Finals Eligibility
Association Admins will be able to set the minimum number of games a player must play for the team in order to be selected for Finals Matches
Eligibility can be set at the competition and grade levels
Clubs and Associations will be able to view the final eligibility criteria for a grade and the number of games a player has played on the Team allocation page
If a player is not eligible to play finals , they will be disabled for line up selection in Game Day and Electronic Scoring
Association Admins will have the ability to make a player eligible/ineligible via the eligibility status page
Additional support material can be found here.
Conditional Custom Fields
Admins can now link custom fields together, allowing them to ask another question based of a previous response
Admins can link up to three questions together
Admins will be able to report on custom questions via the participation report
Additional support material can be found here.
Enhanced Participant Portal
The participant portal has been enhanced so all competition participants will have easier access to their team's fixtures, ladders and results.
By selecting the 'My Account’ navigation menu (in the top right hand corner), they will now see a new 'My Teams’ tab alongside their existing Profile, Accreditations (if applicable) Registration History and Memberships tabs.
The new 'My Teams’ tab is only available for competition participants Coach, Team Manager or Player.
Teams will display immediately once participants register directly to a team or are allocated by an administrator.
Teams for different sports can be accessed via a dropdown.
Teams are sorted by whether the Competitions season are Active, Upcoming or Completed.
Clicking on a Team will display the teams fixture and their upcoming games highlighted.
The ladder can also be accessed by selecting the ladder tab with the participant's team highlighted.
Selecting an individual game will take the participant to the game centre for in-depth game details.
Additional support material can be found here.
Venues and Playing Surfaces
Participants registering to a shared or local program group will be able to see the venue and playing surface assigned to each group provided they have been configured.
Participants clicking the ‘open map’ link on the fixture page for a grade in the participant portal will be taken to the exact latitude and longitude of the playing surface provided it has been configured.
Configurable Roles - Competitions
Previously, only Player, Coach and Team Manager registration roles were available and mandatory for Competitions.
The following enhancements have been made to the Administrator portal to allow registration roles to be configured per tenant for competitions:
Each tenant will now be able to configure which registration roles are available on their tenant for competitions.
Each tenant will now be able to configure which registration roles (of those that are made available) appear defaulted as ‘turned on’ for all new registration forms for competitions.
Owning Organisations of competitions will now be able to configure which registration roles are turned ‘on' or 'off’ per competition season (of those that are made available by the tenant).
Clubs participating in competitions will inherit registration roles based on the club management settings configured by the owning organisations of the competitions.
The participant list for competition seasons can now be filtered by all registration roles available on PlayHQ.
Any existing competition season with registration forms that have already been configured will not have their available registration role options altered.