The Order management feature allows administrators to effectively manage products that their organisation has sold during a participant's registration.
This feature is managed in two screens:
- Orders - provides a list view of products and organisation has sold
- Order Details - provides a detail view of the product line item
Administrators will be able to view detailed information about a specific order and its product line items.
This includes:
Price of the product line item
Any customisation that was made to the product, i.e size, colour, custom text
The account details of the purchaser (account holder and participant)
The fulfilment method of the product
The shipping address, where applicable
Any other product line items that were purchased in the same order basket
Admins will also be able to edit information, where applicable, including:
Updating customisation information if the participant has selected the incorrect size or item colour
Updating the shipping address if the incorrect address was entered at the point of registration
Orders Page - Club Admin
To access the orders list screen, expand the merchandise menu option in the main menu, this will display the Orders option.
Select Orders option to navigate to the Order pages.
If your organisation has sold products, a list will be displayed with all the products sorted by the date of purchase.
Order Number Search
To find a specific order line, enter the number in the order search field and select Search. This will refine the orders list and present you with the order numbers that match your search criteria.
Participant Search
To find an order that a specific participant has purchased, enter the participant's first name and last name into the participant search field and select Search.
This will refine the orders list and present you with the orders that match your search criteria.
Product Detail Page
To see more information about a specific product line item, select View to see the details page of that product. Here you will be able to see detailed information related to the purchase, including:
Purchase price
Details about who made the purchase
Any customisation that was made to the product
Shipping information
Other products purchased within the same order
Editing Shipping Address
If a participant has entered the incorrect address at the point of registration, an administrator will be able to update the address to the correct one.
To do this, select Edit in the fulfilment section of the details page.
Enter the new address in the address field. The system will then present you with a drop list of addresses that match the information you entered.
Select the correct address to automatically populate the remaining address fields automatically. Review the new address and select Update & Save to complete the change.
Editing Product Customisation
Admins have the ability to edit the customisation of products should the participant request a change. They will be able to edit product categories selections i.e size or colour, and any custom fields attached to the product or variant option that was answered by the participant at the time of purchase
To make a change, select Edit in the customisation section on the details page.
This will navigate you to the edit customisation page
On the edit page admins will be able edit options/custom questions that were attached to the product at the time of purchase. Please note that new categories , custom fields and custom fields linked to a variant option that are added after the purchase has been made will not appear on this screen. Only options that were available for the participant to answer will appear .
If an option with no custom fields linked is selected, the previously answered custom field will disappear.
Large T Shirt option has the custom field of Large T shirt label* attached to the option
If you switch to a medium t shirt option from large then the 'large T Shirt Label' will disappear as it is not linked to the medium T shirt option
Once you have made the required changes , click the update & save button to confirm the change.
Category option is no longer available
If a participant needs to switch to a different product option i.e a medium to a large shirt but the large is no longer available. Then the large option will be greyed out and will not be selectable.
Viewing Other Product
All admins will be able to see additional products that were sold in the same order , this will include products that your org has sold and any other products that were attached from higher orgs i.e Basketball Victoria or AFL.
These can be seen in the other product in the order section in the details page.
If your organisation has sold the additional products you will see a view button, selecting this button will navigate you to the detail page of that product. If your organisation did not sell the additional product then the view button will be disabled