In this release we have released the following enhancements to PlayHQ. These features are not yet enabled in Production but available for testing for Sports administrators in your nominated testing environment.
Program Groups
This sprint we completed the program groups feature
We enabled administrators to “manage” Program groups within the Admin Portal, which included the following functionality :
View Preferred Group in participant list
Filter by group within the participant list
View preferred group in registration history
Edit group details
Delete group
Unallocate participant from group
Filter on unallocated participants
We also add the following functionality for registrants:
Select their preferred group during registration
View preferred group within their registration history
Support for this feature can be found here.
Org Time Zones
We have added the functionality to set a default time zone against each organisation. This will allow date/times captured for the organisation to be consistently stored and displayed.
A time zone can be set by a super admin when creating or updating an organisation.
All existing organisations have their time zone defaulted to ‘Australia/Melbourne’
Volunteer Registration for Programs
The programs module has been enhanced to allow for the Volunteer role type which is available for both local and shared program types.
Adding the new role type improves the following user actions:
Administrators Setting up a Program
Admins can set Volunteer fees for programs
Admins body admins can set blank fees for programs (which do not appear on child organisation registration forms, nor do they appear to the registrant during registration)
Admins can assign products to Volunteers
Admins can assign custom fields to Volunteers
Participant Registers to a Program
Participants can see the Volunteer registration option on the participant portal
Participants can register as a Volunteer
Participants registering as a Volunteer can enter participant details
Participants registering as a Volunteer can answer custom questions
Participants registering as a Volunteer can view fees and terms and conditions
Participants already registered as a Volunteer can see a record of their registration against their participant profile
Administrators Managing a Program
Admins can filter the list of participants in a program season by the Volunteer role type
Admins can allocate Volunteers to a shared program group
Admins can view a volunteers registration history along with custom questions
Admins can cancel volunteer registrations
We have also enhanced the existing Transaction report to include program information and the Orders report will allow Admin Body Admins to view their products purchased by participants registering to their participating organisations.
Administrators running program-specific reports
Transaction report updated to include program information
Orders report updated for Admin Body Admins to see their products purchased by participants registering to organisations below them in the hierarchy.
Administrators running competition reports
The Competition Participation report to include the additional fields ie. disability, school finder and parent/guardian country of birth.
A new Programs reporting tab has also been created within Reports to allow administrators to run reports specifically on program data.
A NEW Program Participation report for Administrators.
Filters for Admin Body Admins to run the Program Participation report.