Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that lets administrators easily communicate with participants that have registered to their organisation with PlayHQ. This might include emails about upcoming events, programs, competitions or fixtures.


Connect to Mailchimp

Creating a connection to Mailchimp is the first step in enabling PlayHQ to send data to Mailchimp. Organisations are required to authenticate this connection and select the audience within Mailchimp that PlayHQ will send data to.

To connect a PlayHQ organisation to a Mailchimp account:

  1. Click Settings > General
  2. Select the Integrations tab
  3. Click Connect

  4. Click Log in to Mailchimp

  5. Enter the Username and Password for Mailchimp, then click Log In

  6. Click Allow to grant PlayHQ access to the Mailchimp account

  7. The Log In to Mailchimp section should now display with Logged in. Select the Primary Audience to use in Mailchimp. PlayHQ contacts will appear in this Mailchimp audience.

  8. Click Save & Connect. PlayHQ will immediately start Synchronising your contacts

Disconnect from Mailchimp

This section provides information on how to disconnect a PlayHQ organisation from a Mailchimp account. This includes disconnecting within the PlayHQ Admin Portal and disconnecting within Mailchimp.


Disconnect within PlayHQ

To disconnect a PlayHQ organisation from a Mailchimp account:

  1. Click Settings > General
  2. Select the Integrations tab
  3. Click Disconnect
  4. A prompt confirming disconnection will appear. Click Disconnect.

Note: If you plan to re-connect in the future, you must also disconnect within Mailchimp. See below.


Disconnect within Mailchimp

In addition to the above, you must also follow these steps to remove the application within Mailchimp:

Synchronising your contacts

Once Mailchimp is connected, PlayHQ will start synchronising your organisation's contacts. Synchronisation then occurs every night.


The following occurs during synchronisation:

  • Participant details that are synchronised include First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Address, Suburb, State, Postcode, Country and Date First Registered.
  • Mailchimp Tags are created for every participant in PlayHQ, and these are synchronised with Mailchimp. Tags are based on competitions and programs. All participants registered to the same competition will have a common tag. Learn more about the tag format here.
  • Only the primary account holder details are synchronised. Individual participants or additional parent/guardian contact details are not synchronised.

  • If the contact does not exist in Mailchimp, PlayHQ will create one in Mailchimp.

  • If the contact already exist in Mailchimp, the contact’s details are updated in Mailchimp


Checking Syncronisation Status

The Mailchimp integration screen displays a Sync Status. There are three possible results.


  • In-Progress: Displayed when the synchronisation is still in progress. There is no action required.

  • Completed: Displayed when there has been successful synchronisation.

  • Failed: Displayed when there are logic or timeout issues. You may need to refresh the webpage to try synchronising again. If this does not work, then try disconnecting and reconnecting to Mailchimp.

Checking Last Synchronisation

The Last Synced date/time, represents the last time synchronisation was successful. Mailchimp contacts, subscription status and tags will be accurate as of this date/time.

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