Viewing your PlayHQ profile

This article outlines how to view and navigate around your PlayHQ profile.

PlayHQ Profile

Log in to your PlayHQ account using the email address and password you created your profile with.

After logging in, navigate to the top right corner of the page, click on your name and then select Profile.


In your PlayHQ profile, there are several tabs available to display the different areas of your profile. The sections below will describe each potential tab that may display.

If family members or dependants have been registered using your account, you can use the Change user link displayed below your name to access their linked profiles.

If you wish to make any changes to the details in your profile, please see the Editing your PlayHQ profile article.

My Public Profile

Participants can access their public profile to view career and season statistics. These details appear publicly on the PlayHQ Discovery Site unless the Profile Privacy settings are Private (see below).


My Teams

Competition participants can access their team's fixtures, ladders and results via My Teams. The 'My Teams’ tab is only available for competition participants Coach, Team Manager or Player.



The Profile tab displays the Personal Details, Emergency Contact info, and, if necessary, any Parent/Guardian details. You are not able to change the email address of the account holder via this facility. Please contact the PlayHQ Support team for assistance if this is required.


Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings allows you to set whether your name or your family member/dependant names, appear on the public game centres.  The Private setting will hide your name and instead display the name as ''Player'' on game statistics. The default setting is Public.



The Accreditations tab will only display on your profile if you have provided either a Coaching accreditation or Working with Children Check details when registering.


Registration History

The Registration History tab displays details for any participant or team registrations you have completed to any Association. Each registration can be expanded to view the details that you provided when you registered.



The Memberships tab displays details of any memberships that you have purchased.

Navigate to the + icon to expand the drop-down function which will provide additional details about the membership you have purchased. 


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