Enter Game Scores in Game Day

This article guides you through entering and saving game scores via the Game Day menu.

Electronic Scoring

When using the PlayHQ Electronic Scoring Application, game scores and outcomes, participant details, and statistics are updated when a game has been confirmed and the scoring device is connected to the internet.


Cricket Administrators do not have access to enter scores directly in the Game Day list of games. Administrators can enter scores in a game's Game Details by selecting the relevant game.

Select the Game Day main menu item, and you will be presented with game/s fixtured for today's date. If you are searching for games on a different day, use the Calendar icon to select the relevant date. Games can also be filtered to show All grades or a specific grade only.

Once you have selected the appropriate date and located the relevant game/s, enter the final game scores in the Score column next to the appropriate team:


Select the 'Update changes' button to confirm the game score updates made.

Note: previously live-scored games will have an exclamation icon "!" next to the details button.


A game's result and status are still editable even after the scores are saved. Read more on overriding a game result.

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