Importing a new (unallocated) team into a grade using the the regrade facility

In the scenario of a new/currently unallocated team or teams needing to be included in an existing fixtured grade, the PlayHQ regrade facility allows you to import such teams to a grade and regenerate the grade's fixture. You can add any number of these teams to an existing grade using the regrade facility.

Before proceeding, ensure you understand the repercussions detailed in the impact of regrading on a grade's fixture and the impact of regrading on a grade's ladder.

To get started, select the Competition Management main menu item, and then the appropriate Competition and Season tile, and then view the Grades tab, and select the 'Regrade teams' button:

Import a new (unallocated) team

To get started, select the Competition Management main menu item, and then the appropriate Competition and Season tile, and then view the Grades tab, and select the 'Regrade teams' button:


Select the group of grades (day, gender, age group) you would like to regrade from the drop-down list:

You'll be presented with a list of grade/s that meet the above selection. This is now the 'regrade session'.


Selecting a team/s to import from the' unallocated teams' list

Select the 'Import an unallocated team' button:


You'll now be presented with the teams eligible for import. 

You can choose more than one team to import into the regrade process, then select 'Import teams':

Adding a team to this view does not commit a team to a grade, it only makes a team(s) available to be added to a grade.

Note: The teams displayed may or may not suit the grade or age group. Use the filters (Gender and/or Age group) to refine the list of teams.


Viewing your selected teams in the 'Unallocated teams' section

The selected teams to import from the unallocated list will appear in the Unallocated teams section of the main 'Regrade' screen as shown below:

Once you have the relevant team(s) added as above, proceed to allocate teams to the appropriate grade.

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