Generate a Games Played Report

The Games Played Report generates a list of the games played in a team by each player in a season. To generate a Games Played report, select Reports, then the Competitions tab, and then the Games Played report. Select the relevant Competition, and Season, and then click the Generate button:


Note: Administration Body Administrators (ie. at State or Region level) will be able to select from an organisation option to view all organisations under them.

The report will be generated and a success message at the bottom of the page will indicate that report is ready to be downloaded:


Go to the Generated Reports tab to see the list of generated reports. Click the Download button to download the report in .csv format:


The Games Played report will include detailed information on the number of games played by a player as a separate row,. A player will be listed more than once if they have played in more than one team in the season. The following details displayed as columns:

  • Team Name
  • Player Name
  • Allocated to Team
  • Games Played
  • Current Grade
  • Team Gender
  • Team Age Group
  • Team ID
  • Team Type
  • Club Name
  • Organisation
  • Competition
  • Competition Type
  • Season

The report is ordered by the team name A-Z.

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