Applicable to: Association Administrators
Application(s): Admin Portal > Competition > Season > Allocations
This article will cover the following:
- A detailed overview of the Allocation Calendar view
Related articles:
- Viewing a season's game allocations
- Allocating games using Season > Allocations Game Slots (Domestic Competitions, only)
- Allocating games using the Season > Allocations List View
- Allocating games from the Game Details page (accessed via Fixture)
What is the Calendar view?
The Calendar view provides a means to allocate games for the Competition Season you are working in on an actual calendar view of a given date that you have selected.
Let's first look at the layout of the Calendar View:
Calendar view overview / orientation
See below for information on the items and sections that appear on the page.
Upper Right Corner Buttons i.e. Done, Update Changes and Cancel
There are 2 states that impact the buttons that display on a Calendar view:
1. No changes made on the calendar / changes made have been saved
When no changes have been made on a calendar date or when changes that were made have been saved, the Done button will display in the upper right corner. This is what it looks like:
Clicking the Done button will take you back to the Season > Allocation page.
2. Changes have been made on the calendar
When changes have been made on a calendar date, but are unsaved, the Update Changes and Cancel buttons will display in place of the Done button in the upper right corner. This is what they look like:
Clicking the:
- Update Changes button will save the changes you've made on the Calendar page.
- Cancel button will roll back any un-saved changes you've made on the Calendar page.
Clicking either button will bring the Done button back in the upper right corner.
Competition / Season and Date
At the top of the page, you can view the Competition name, the Season you are working in and the current date that is selected (for which you are showing games in the calendar view).
Similar to the "Done" button, the date selector can only be changed when no changes have been made on a calendar date or when changes that were made have been saved. When you are able to edit, you will see an indication of allocation and clashes on dates and months similar to the Season's Allocation Summary page described here.
Calendar / List View toggle
Just under the competition name/season name/date selector, you will see a "Calendar"/"List" toggle.
When you select a date from the Allocation Summary page or the date selector, you will always arrive on the Calendar by default.
The Calendar view functionality is covered on this page. If you would like to learn more about the List view, please visit the following support page.
Calendar Area
The calendar pane displays when the Calendar toggle is selected. It displays all of your Association's games for that season, for other seasons and from other Associations that take place on that date at the playing surfaces chosen for the season you are working in.
Expand / Save to PDF / Filter
A toolbar containing an option to expand venues, save to pdf and filter appears in the right corner above the calendar pane.
Expand Venues
The expand venues option helps if you cannot view complete information in your game tiles e.g. if you have a lot of venues/playing surfaces in your season and grade/team names appear abbreviated. Toggling this option on will widen the game tiles to allow you to view more information in the tiles. Given that this widens the Venues/Playing Surface column widths, you may have to scroll to view more games on your calendar as a result of using this option.
Save to PDF
Saving to PDF will allow you to select a time frame for the date you are working in and save a view of the games that are on the page for that time frame (to PDF).
The filter screen will allow you to select specific venues / playing surfaces to display on the calendar page.
Note that if you use any sort of filtering i.e. you don't leave everything selected, a red indicator will appear over the filter icon.
Unallocated Games
The Unallocated Games area on the page displays games that are scheduled for the date you are working on i.e. the games are fixtured to that round date but are not yet allocated to a venue / playing surface and time.
You may simply drag these games to the calendar to allocate them. You also have the option to filter these games as per the upper right corner of the Unallocated Games area.
Please note that only games belonging to the competition-season you are working in will appear in the Unallocated Games section for a date.
Games that appear in the Calendar view
There are several variations of games that appear in a Calendar view. Further, for those different variations, there are several colours that apply to them. The sections below describe all of this in more detail.
Types of games displayed on the Calendar view
Before we discuss colours, it is important to understand that there are 3 main different types of games that can appear on an allocation calendar view. Take a look at this image:
- Games in the competition-season you are working in appear as a solid fill.
- Games that belong to your association but are from a different competition-season appear with a white fill. e.g. if you run multiple competitions at the same time and use the same venues, this may occur.
- Games that belong a different association appear striped grey. e.g. if you share a venue with another association(s), this may occur.
Colours utilised on the Calendar view
There are several colours that may display for games on a Calendar view. The image below shows an array of different colours used across the different types of game that can appear:
- Green - these are saved games that do not clash.
- Blue - these are un-saved games that do not clash.
- Orange - these are un-saved games that clash.
- Red - these are saved games that clash.
- Grey - these are games from other associations. Games from other associations will always appear as grey.
Below is a picture that ties the types of games and colours together:
Games that belong to the competition season you are working in
This section provides more detail on the game tile, modal, and what you are able to do for games belonging to the competition season you are working in.
In order to allocate games that belong to the competition season you are working in, simply drag and drop them in the calendar view. You may also move these games from the unallocated area onto the calendar by dragging and dropping them.
When you click on this type of game, a modal will appear displaying information about the game. Note that the Allocation Details section can be expanded and the solid colour and allocation status will appear as per the colour of the game tile on the calendar view.
To get back to the Calendar view for the date, simply select the Done button on the modal.
You may select the Unallocate button from the modal. This will cause the game to move back to the Unallocated area for the day. You will be required to select the "Update Changes" button to confirm this unallocation once you are done in your Calendar view session.
Games that belong to a different competition season at your association
This section provides more detail on the game tile, modal, and what you are able to do for games belonging to a different competition season for your association.
In order to allocate games that belong to a different competition season of yours, you may also simply drag and drop them in the calendar view. Because these games do not appear in the Unallocated section of the Calendar view, you can only update the allocation that were already previously allocated to this same date/venue(s).
When you click on this type of game, a modal will appear displaying information about the game. Note that the Allocation Details section can be expanded and the white fill / outlined colour and allocation status will appear as per the colour of the game tile on the calendar view.
You may select the Unallocate button from the modal. Because games from your other competition seasons do not appear in the Unallocated area for a day, the game will disappear from the calendar once unallocated. You will be required to select the "Update Changes" button to confirm this unallocation once you are done in your Calendar view session and a message will appear on the Calendar view to inform you of this.
Note that you will need to go to your other competition season (that the game belongs to) to allocate this game.
Games that belong to a different association
This section provides more detail on the game tile, modal, and what you are able to do for games belonging to a different association.
Games that belong to a different association cannot be allocated / updated. They appear for reference, only. Your association's games will display as clashes if allocated against these games, however, the games that belong to another association will remain striped grey.
When you click on this type of game, a modal will appear displaying information about the game. Note that the Allocation Details section can be expanded but this section will always appear as striped grey with a status of "Allocated".
Note that because the game belongs to another association, the specific game details i.e. the teams, grade, round, and competition, are subject to the visibility settings configured by the other association i.e. if the game is set to be publicly visible, these details will appear; if it is set to be hidden, they will not appear. These visibility settings also apply to the information displayed on the game tile (not just the modal).
These games cannot be unallocated.