Regrading using the fixture upload feature

Regrading allows administrators to move teams into, out of, and between grades that are already fixtured.  This is typically done using the regrading wizard in the admin portal, the regrading wizard can be used both before and after using a fixture upload. 

More information on using the fixture upload can be found:

Question Answer
Why can't I see/use the regrade button in the system? If a fixture upload within a season has been completed then all future regrades must be completed using the fixture upload.  
How do I regrade a team into a grade using the fixture upload feature? If the team you wish to transfer into a grade is unallocated you can name the team in the fixture upload file.  This will then allocate and fixture games for the team to the specified grade.  
If the team is in a grade and you would like to regrade it to another grade then both grades need to be in the same fixture upload file.  The first grade should fixture a round without the team and the second grade should fixture a round with the team in it. 
How do I regrade a team out of a grade using the fixture upload feature? If you wish to unallocate a team, then leave the team out of the fixture upload file.
If the team is in a grade and you would like to regrade it to another grade then both grades need to be in the same fixture upload file. The first grade should fixture a round with the team and the second grade should fixture a round with the team not in its fixture.
Can a round that I define in a fixture file be the REGRADE ROUND, for example, if I have no more regular season rounds left in a grade’s fixture? Yes, a new round defined in a fixture upload file can be a REGRADE ROUND if teams are regraded in or out in that round.
Does the fixture upload file allow you to regrade teams not in the file? No. Both grades involved in a regrade (the from and to grade) must have at least one round defined in the file.
Can a team be regraded multiple times in a single fixture upload file? No, a team will only be able to be regraded once within a single fixture upload file. Therefore a team name cannot appear in multiple grades within the same fixture upload file.


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