In this release (release delivered on 3rd July) we have released the following enhancements to Tournaments and Fixture upload.
- Fixture view for grade with and without pools in the Admin Portal.
- Ladder(s) view for grade with and without pools in the Admin Portal.
- Ladder(s) view for grade with and without pools in the Participant Portal.
- Ladder adjustments for grades with and without pools.
- Display pool name on games in the Allocations area (list and calendar view, allocated and unallocated games).
- Ability to add and remove finals from the finals tab and from the fixture settings section in the Admin Portal.
- Ability to assign teams to finals for a fixture with and without pools.
- Pool name display on a game in Electronic Scoring.
- Fixture view (pool, no pool, team fixture page) in the Participant Portal.
- Fixture settings section.
- Add / Edit / Remove games in Tournament fixtures.
- Display pool on printable scoresheets.
- Tournaments reporting.
- Bugfixes:
- Un-assign and re-seed teams still available in fixtured grade.
- The 'Generate fixture' button not appearing until the page is refreshed.
- Exception dates still available when editing season for Tournaments.
- Large hamburger notifications on Game Day page.
- 'Done' button available to be clicked while games are still allocating.
- Add help text "Please enter the number of rounds required for each pool".
Fixture Upload
The Fixture Upload feature allows organisations to create, update or extend a fixture in the system via uploading a specifically formatted file containing the fixture details. The Fixture Upload offers a flexible solution to generate a fixture, regrade teams, and allocate games but is only intended to be used in specific circumstances. An additional benefit is that rounds can also be added or removed for fixtured grades.