The following are functional, user interface, and user experience improvements deployed within the PlayHQ platform on September 18, 2019:
- Fees will now be displayed with the organisation that is charging the fee throughout the process on public-facing registration forms.
- Applied vouchers will now be displayed with the organisation's name that’s offering the voucher.
- Vouchers from multiple organisations can now be applied (maximum of one voucher per organisation).
- Spaces at the beginning and end of names are removed
Administrator’s Area / Backend
- The Venue report now available from the reports section.
- The Team contacts report is now available - accessed from within a team.
- Regrading history is now available from a grade’s settings.
- The ability of the ladder to only include results attained in that grade after regrading.
- The Results page of a game can now be accessed from the grade’s fixture.
- Team organisers can now access the player to team registration URL in the registration history section of their profile.
- Error prevention and validation added throughout the system.
- Several minor aesthetic and usability enhancements throughout the system.