Participant registration begins by accessing a Program's registration form either from an organisation's list of available registration options on their PlayHQ Discover site (see screen image below), or from anywhere else you might have received the program registration link from (for example via email, social media, or from another website).

Once you've clicked on the relevant program registration link, you'll arrive on the registration overview page that provides information about the registration you're about to complete (details the Organisation's Name, Program, Season, and typically other details such as available Program Groups, Pricing and Additional Information):

You can select the 'Get started' button to continue with your registration.

If you are not logged in to PlayHQ at the time you take this step, you will need to either Log in or Create a PlayHQ account first in order to continue.

Upon logging into the registration form, you can either register yourself (the account holder) or you can choose to register a family member/dependant (the Choose User step).

Ensure that you make the appropriate decision to register the correct person and progress to select the participant type in the Choose Role step. For registration to a Program, you can choose to register as either a Player or Volunteer.

You will next have to enter the Participant Details including answering any Additional Information and in some circumstances selecting the Group to be allocated to:

Progress by entering the required information and then click the 'Save and Continue button'.

Program registration fees will be presented next. You will also need to agree to Terms and Conditions and can Opt-In to marketing communications from your sport before progressing to the next step.

In the next step, you may be able to select from Products that have been made available for the Program. Make your appropriate selection:

Click 'Continue' to proceed to the Payment & Summary (final step). A complete summary of all costs (fees and products) is displayed. If you have a PlayHQ Voucher, or a State/Territory Government Voucher that the Program's organisation accepts, you can enter these here. Enter all required details before clicking Submit Registration (Payment occurs when you make this selection).

When payment has been successful, you will be presented with the Registration Success page.

Congratulations! The participant has now been successfully registered. You can choose to view the registration confirmation in your PlayHQ Profile Account, or access the two emails that are sent automatically to the PlayHQ Profile Account holders' email address and that contains confirmation of registration and a tax Invoice/receipt.

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