Creating and Managing competitions

Applicable to: Association and Club Administrators, Participants
Application(s): Admin Portal > Competition Management

This article will cover the following:

  1. How to configure a competition in the PlayHQ Admin Portal

A Competition contains one or more seasons. Participants register for each season, are allocated to their team(s), and the teams fixtured for the season.

Create a competition

Creating a new competition is a two-step, guided process: 

  1. From the main menu, click Competition Management
  2. Click Add Competition.
  3. Complete the Competition Details page, then click Next
  4. Complete the Game & Grade Default Settings, then click Create Competition

Learn more about each area below.

Competition settings are based on the sport

Some settings may only be visible to specific sports.

Competition Details


Setting Description

Competition Type

Each competition type contains features that assist set up and management of the competition.

Domestic: Matches in domestic competitions are played at venues linked to your association.

Home and Away: Matches in home and away competitions are played at venues related to the home team

Tournament: Tournament style competition with Round-robin played as a group phase (with or without pools) and knockout style finals

Competition Name

A competition name should allow for multiple seasons. A competition name might be 'Junior Domestic', 'Senior Domestic', 'Australia Day Tournament', 'Country Representative League'.


The format allows participants to search for the competition by format easily. The formats displayed are defined by the sporting governing body.


Enable transfers to restrict player movement between clubs in a competition. This option requires participants to complete a transfer request before registering.


Enable permits to let participants play temporarily at another club. Registration and payment are not required, and the player's primary club will remain unchanged.

New Player Approval

Requires players who have not registered before to be approved before being allocated to a team. Transferred or permitted players will be automatically approved.

Game & Grade Default Settings

Click the Next button, to view Game & Grade Default Settings that will apply to new games and grades created for the competition.

Game Settings 

Set the default settings for every match in this competition. These settings can also be changed within individual grades.


Learn more about each setting in Managing Grades

Setting Description

Game Sheet template

Choose the format of your game sheets.  Note the available options will differ between sports.

Period Type

Choose between common period types in the sport.

Period length (mins)

Choose the period length for the grade's games.

Game slot time

Choose the total game duration for the grade's games. This should include any warm-up time, pre-game, and wrap-up time after the game.

Period Scores

Choose to enable/disable period scores. If enabled, you will need to choose By Period or End of Period.

Line-up Limits

Choose the minimum and a maximum number of players and/or coaches who may participate in a game for a team

Player Positions

(Netball, AFL & Hockey)

Set whether player positions are available when selecting starting line-ups. Player positions will also appear on the participant portal when line-ups are published.

If enabled, admins will need to choose whether positions are enforced when selecting line-ups, meaning players must be assigned a position in order to be able to save line-ups.

Note: For AFL, both teams line-ups must be entered and all 18 on field positions assigned in order to display player positions on the public game centre. For Hockey and Netball, positions will display whenever they are entered.


Choose to enable/disable overtime for the grade.

Extra Scores


Allows the inclusions for super goals (9) for AFL 9's competitions

Time-out limits


Set time-out limits for game periods and over-time so that time-out limit can be displayed for electronically scored games for this grade.

Foul Penalties


Foul penalties are enforced with limits for electronically scored games played in that grade.

Extra Scores

Choose to enable/disable extra scores. If enabled, you will need to select the value of the extra scoring type.
Court Percentage Allocation If the games do not require a full-size court or field, you can set the. percentage required here. By default, a Court's size will take up 100%.
Game outcome points Use the sports default game outcome points values for game results or use the custom option.
Ladder Ranking View Select the ladder format and how they are calculated and displayed. Read more on understanding these ladder formats.
Regrading Configuration Set whether a team's previous game results are carried over into the new grade after a regrade. If carrying over game results, points for/against can also be excluded if applicable.
Ladder visibility Set whether ladders are displayed for the grade on the PlayHQ public website. Ladder columns can also be configured to be displayed or hidden from this view.

Ladder results - Round

Additional Ladder settings can also be found under the Ladder tab, when the grade is created. This includes selecting which round the ladder should be calculated from.

Game Type


The game type pre-sets the Overs, Innings, Total Game Slot Time, Game Outcome Points and Fixture Slot.



Set the number of overs

Super Over


Set whether a super over is applied in a tied game. This can then be set to be applied always or just in finals.

Grade Settings

Set the default settings for every grade in this competition. These settings can also be changed within individual grades.


Learn more about each setting in Managing Grades

Setting Description

Club Access Settings

Set club access that will be provided. This includes allowing clubs to enter scores using the Admin Portal and via electronic scoring. Every sport grants a different level of access by default.

Publishing Line-ups

Association Admins have the ability to select when team line-ups are published on the PlayHQ public site and participant portal.

Three options are available:

  1. Game Start Time (Default) 
    The line-up will be published once the game commences. 

  2. When Selected
    The line-up will appear as soon as the Club/Coach/ Team Manager makes the selection in the Admin Portal (GameDay) or the participant Portal (My Teams)

  3. Set hours before Game 
    Select how many hours before the game starts you would like the line-up to appear.

Best Players

Choose to enable/disable best players. If enabled, you will need to select the amount of best players.

Player Points

Choose to enable/disable player points for the grade. If enabled, you will need to choose whether to Enforce a team total player points cap 

Finals eligibility

Choose to enable/disable finals eligibility for the grade. If enabled, you will need to select the value for minimum number of games played.


On completion, select the Create Competition button. A competition tile will be created on the Competition Management landing page.



Edit a competition

You can update the competition details at any time by selecting the relevant Competition tile, and then selecting the Settings tab. From here, you can update details using the General, and Grade Defaults sub-tabs.


Note: The Competition type cannot be edited. 

Update the information you would like to change, and then select Update & Save.


Delete a competition

You can delete a competition by selecting the relevant Competition tile, and then selecting the Settings tab. From the General sub-tab, select Delete competition.


Note: Delete competition will be disabled is the Competition contains one or more Seasons. 

Confirm the deletion by clicking 'Delete competition', or click 'Cancel' to return to the previous page without deleting the competition.


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