Registration as a Player, Team manager, Coach, Official, Medical Officer or Volunteer

Applicable to: Participants
Applicable to: All Sports
Application(s): Public Portal 

This article will cover the following:

This article describes how to complete a registration as a player, team manager, coach or volunteer on PlayHQ.

Related articles:

After selecting a registration link, log in to your PlayHQ account. Alternatively, you can create a new PlayHQ account if you have not already done so, and once your account is set up you will be returned to the registration form you accessed.

If the registration link you have accessed is for participant registration, you'll arrive on the Choose User page of the participant registration process after you've begun your registration

Please see the Registering a team article if you have accessed a team registration link.

📝 Note: If you are registering directly to a team, you will need the unique registration link provided by the team's organiser, club, or association administrator.


"Choose User" step

In the Choose User step, you make a decision as to who you are registering:

  1. You can register yourself (the account holder)
  2. You can register a new family member or dependant
  3. You can register a family member or dependant that you've registered before

Please ensure that you make the appropriate selection before proceeding:

Once you've selected whom you would like to register, you'll be taken to the "Choose role" page.


"Choose Role" page

Select the role you would like to register the participant. Role options differ depending on whether you are registering  for a competition, or a program and the sport.  If you are unsure of which role please contact your club.


Once you've selected the role type, you'll be taken to the "Participant Details" page.


"Participant Details" page

You'll need to provide/confirm the details for the participant you're registering. Most of these details are self-explanatory, but there are a few particular items highlighted in the table below that you'll need to understand and consider:

# Item Description
1 Existing participant details The registration form will be pre-populated with any details you'd provided from the last time you registered the participant. This is done to make the registration process as quick and easy as possible for you. You can update most of these details if required.
2 Date of birth If the participant you are registering is under 18, parent/guardian details will be required. If you are registering a child or dependant, the parent/guardian details will be pre-populated with your (the PlayHQ Profile Account holders) information.
3 Accreditation If you chose to register the participant as a Coach role, you will need to specify an accreditation level from the list of available options on the form. Note that you can select “I’m not sure” from this list.
4 Working with children  If you chose to register the participant as a Team Manager or Coach, you may provide your working with children details. You can enter the government supplied WWC Card details, your teacher registration details, or other approved WWC-equivalent details here.

Note: Organisations can include their own questions in a registration form. These will be presented in the Additional Details section.

Claim Profiles

Participants may be required to claim duplicate profiles once they have entered their details. Learn more.

Once you've provided the required detail, you can choose the "Save and Continue" button to then view any registration fees and the terms and conditions for your registration.

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