After selecting a registration link, you'll be asked to log in using your PlayHQ Profile Account email address and your chosen password. Alternatively, you can create a new PlayHQ Profile Account if you have not already done so, and once your account is set up you will be returned to the registration form you accessed.

If you're registering a social team, you'll be taken to the "Register a team" page after you've begun your registration. The sections below describe the process.

Please see the Registering as a player, team manager, or coach article if you are looking to register as a participant.


"Team Details" page

On this page, you can make the following selections:

  1. You can choose an existing team that you've registered before
  2. You can create a new team
  3. You will need to choose a preferred grade of competition

Register a team

Choose an existing team

If you have registered a team previously, you will see an option to choose an existing team. You will not see this option if it's your first team to be registered. If you'd like to register an existing team, select the "Choose an existing team" option, click the "Please Select" box, and select the team you'd like to register:

Create a new team

If you'd like to register a new team, select the "Create new team" option, and enter the team name:


Choose grade

You will next have to select a preferred grade that you'd like the team to play in. You can use the Day and Gender filters to narrow down the selection of appropriate grades. Select the grade you believe is most appropriate for the team.

Note: The grade you select is the preferred grade that the team is registering to. A competition administrator may choose for operational reasons to allocate a team to a different grade of competition.

Associations can include their own questions in the team registration form. These will be presented in the Additional Details section.

Once you've provided the required detail, you can choose the "Continue" button to then view any registration fees and the terms and conditions for your registration.

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