This article covers that process of adding or removing finals for a grade.
There may be instances where you need to add finals games after you've generated the regular season fixture, and/or you'd like to remove finals games (e.g. you've made a mistake and would like to select a different finals format).
Select the Competition Management main menu item, and then the appropriate Competition and Season tile, and then select the Grades tab. Select the 'View Fixture' button for the appropriate grade, then the Settings tab, and finally the Fixturing sub-tab:
Add a finals fixture
The steps below assume you have generated a fixture for your grade and have not yet fixtured finals–otherwise, you will not be able to add finals.
Select the 'Add finals' button that appears in the finals fixture section.
Follow the prompts on the resulting screens. This is a very similar process to generating a fixture, however, it is focused on finals only and any regular season fixture will not be affected.
Remove a finals fixture
The steps below assume you have generated a fixture for your grade and have not yet scored any finals games otherwise, you will not be able to remove finals.
If the grade has finals configured, you'll see the current finals settings listed in the finals fixture section. Select the 'Remove finals' button for a prompt in a pop-up window (modal) to reaffirm the deletion. Reselect the 'Remove finals' button to complete the deletion of the grade's finals fixture.
Once you've removed finals for a grade, you may choose to add finals again following the process described earlier in this article.