Applicable to: Association  Administrators
Applicable to: All Sports

Application(s): Admin Portal > Competition Management

This article will cover the following:

  1. Key ladder settings for your competition
  2. How to set and change ladder ranking views for a grade
  3. Ladder visibility settings
  4. Please note cricket ladder settings may vary, for more information view Understanding how ladders are calculated for Cricket

Related articles:

Game outcome points

Administrators can set the number of ladder points awarded to a team in each different game outcome.  Each sports has a default ladder points which can be viewed by hovering over the (i) sign or administrators can use custom and set the points values based on the rules of their competitions.

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 1.29.00 pm.png

Setting the Ladder Ranking Order

The Ladder Ranking Order of your grade is configured in the Ladder Settings.

These are within in the game default settings by selecting the Competition > Settings > Game Defaults


They can also be set at an individual grade level by selecting Grade > Settings > Game

For Cricket, you also need to select which Game Type (T20, One Day & Two Day) ladder you wish to configure.



Use the drop downs to the select which field you wish to rank the teams by from 1st priority to 5th priority and select Update and Save.

The ladder ranking of teams will based on the field chosen as the 1st priority, if the teams are equal, (for example the same number of total ladder points), the 2nd priority field will then determine which team is ranked higher, and so forth for the 3rd, 4th and 5th priority.

At any time, you can update the priority and the grades ladder will be immediately updated to display accordingly.

  • Total ladder points
  • Ladder points average
  • Match Ratio
  • Head to Head



The Match Ratio is a calculation that is used to rank ladders similar in many ways Ladder Points Average (in that it allows for fairness when the number of games each team plays in a season is not equal).  However, they are fundamentally different in regards to the calculation method and display. 

Teams will be sorted based on the ratio of matches won. The Match Ratio % is calculated:



The Total ladder points ladder includes 'byes' in the ranking of teams with 'byes' given a specific ladder (championship) points outcome. Teams will be sorted based on their total ladder (competition) points.


The Head to head calculations are available for situations requiring a method to break ties between teams. This result(s) of the game(s) between the two teams involved will used to determine the placing.   For specific calculations for Head to Head ladders, please refer to this page. 


For Cricket specific calculations & ladder information, please refer to this page.


Ladder Visibility 

Managing a ladder's public visibility setting controls whether or not the public can view the ladder on the public-facing PlayHQ Discover page and which columns will display. 

Similar to competition visibility, season visibility, and grade visibility, the ladder can be hidden from public view. The ladder for each grade of competition will continue to be calculated and viewable in the administrative portal and administrators can apply ladder adjustments as deemed appropriate.

If an administrator selects to hide a grade's ladder from public view, members of the public presented with the following when attempting to view the grade's ladder:

Note: Ladders are not visible or accessible to the public if a grade, season, or competition is set as 'Hidden'.

Configure the visibility setting of a Ladder

To configure the visibility of a ladder, select Competition Management, the relevant competition,  and then season, and from the grades listing section, select the grade that the ladder visibility setting is to be configured. The ladder visibility is accessed via the Ladder sub-tab of the Settings tab. Confirm the appropriate visibility setting. You can return to reset this at any time.

Configure the visibility of columns

When you are creating competition or grade in PlayHQ , you will see a new option labeled “Custom“ under the “Ladder Columns View” heading


Once the custom option is selected , all the available ladder columns will be visible . These are split into 2 categories basic and advanced columns

( n.b : these options are custom to each sport on PlayHQ , the below example is from the AFL )


Unselect any columns that you want hidden on the Participant Portal and Public Sites and create the competition / grade


When you navigate to the PlayHQ public site you will see that the columns are now hidden
Editing Ladder Column visibility.

Should you wish to make a column visible that was previously hidden , Navigate to the Game Tab in the competition / grade settings area. Select the columns and update & save.


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