This article describes how to login to the PlayHQ electronic scoring application, and if required recover a forgotten password.

To log in to electronic scoring you must be a Full Access or Electronic Scoring Admin administrator at the Association that is managing the competition.

Logging in to electronic scoring

To access the electronic scoring application, navigate to using a compatible electronic scoring device and web browser, enter your PlayHQ account credentials, and then select Log in:

Important: Ensure that you do not store/save your login details in the web browser if prompted.

The electronic scoring application's session setup form will be displayed, and you can now set up your electronic scoring session.


Recovering a forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password, use the Forgot password? link on the login form, enter your PlayHQ login email, then select the Send recovery link to send a password recovery email:

Check your email inbox (or junk mail folder), open the Reset your PlayHQ account password email, and then select Reset my password:

On the Reset your password form, enter a valid New Password, Confirm the New Password, and  then select Update password:

Congratulations! You have successfully reset your password and can now login at

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