Releases week of 13th April
In this release (releases delivered over the week of the 13th of April) we have released the following enhancements:
PlayHQ enhancements
The following enhancements have been made:
- The competition reports page shows an error if reports have never been generated.
- Reports button locked when doing multiple report downloads.
- Games Played report: clearing a game result still counts a game played for a player left in
- Reports - Custom fields not ordered as per order in the competition/season setup section.
- Finals fixture settings page not displaying for custom finals.
- If a finals game falls on an exception date, the review fixture screen shows an error.
- Can no longer update games with a finalised status on the game day page.
- Update error message on Electronic scoring when resetting PIN or ending a session.
- Prevent games with a finalised status from being updated on the Game Day page.
Season exception dates
- The ability to define exception dates when creating a new season which then can be adopted when creating new grades/fixtures. These season exception dates can also be updated under the season Settings section.
Merchandise delete products and orders report
A new Merchandise Orders report assisting administrators to track orders and fulfillment numbers of products.
The ability for administrators to delete products and variants.