Releases week of 13th of July 2020

In this release (delivered over the week of the 13th of July) we have released the following enhancements:


New Administrative Body Admin role and enhanced reporting

  • We've introduced a new administrator role type called Administrative Body Admin for those administrators working at the state or region (metro, country, regional) organisation level.  These administrators are able to view and access their organisation as well as organisations within their organisational hierarchy. (They are however unable to create Organisations or Venues.)
  • Within each Organisation's Settings, administrative body organisations can be selected as the parent organisation for Clubs, meaning administrative body admins can have access to, and help club administrators where required.   
  • We've also enhanced the reporting features so Admin Body Admins can run reports across all of their organisations below them in the hierarchy, as well as added competition type as a new column to assist administrators in filtering competitions.

Terms and Conditions

  • We've introduced a Text option for Terms and Conditions for those organisations that don't have a website URL but would like participants to still agree to their organisation's T&C's when registering.   
  • We've also enhanced the Terms and Conditions layout on the participant registration page to allow for the text display.

Extra Bye fixturing

  • We've introduced a new fixturing method that creates one less game per round (by creating 2 additional byes). It's supported for grades with between 4 to 20 teams.
  • During regrading, if the number of teams in a grade falls outside the 4 to 20 team number as a result of regrading, the fixture will be reverted to the standard (non-extra bye) fixture from the regrading round onwards. Administrators will be warned about this and notified that additional courts might be required for any additional games.
  • Regrading that results in the numbers of teams remaining between 4 to 20 brackets will continue using the extra bye fixturing method.
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