Inviting clubs to participate in a competition

This article describes how an association administrator can invite clubs to compete in the association run competition, and in turn how a club administrator actions the invitation. Once a club has accepted the invite, they will be able to open participant registration and create teams in the season of the competition.

Invite clubs to a competition season

Note: This task is undertaken by the association administrator who has created a competition and season.

Select the Competition Management main menu item, the appropriate Competition and Season tile, then select the Registration tab, and finally the Club sub-tab. Select the 'Set up' button to begin:


You will arrive at the Club management settings page The association administrator will be able to choose the clubs to send an invite to allow them to compete in their season/competitions. The administrator can do so by inviting clubs involved in a previous season, and/or searching for and selecting any given club/s. You can invite any number of clubs to be involved in a season of competition.


Continue to complete all other required details using the image and table below to assist:



# Section Description
1 Choose clubs Select any number of clubs to send an invite to be involved in the competition season. Selected clubs display below the search for a club field and can be removed by selecting the '-' button. If a club has accepted the invitation, they cannot be removed.
2 Club team allocation dates Select the Start and End dates that club administrators will be able to allocate their club teams to grades. These dates do not apply to the association administrator who is able to allocate any team at any time to a grade.
3 Registration fees Any Membership/s that apply show here and cannot be removed.
4 Set association registration fees Set the association' player registration fee. All players registering to clubs will be required to pay the fee set. Set $0.00 if no fee is being charged by the association.
5 Add your terms and conditions? Slide to be active to include the association's Terms & Conditions (if T&C's have been set at the organisation level). Participants registering using a club registration form will need to agree to the association T&C's. Use the slider to disable and not show you association T&C's.
6 Custom Fields Custom Fields that have been created and which apply will be listed in this section.


Select Save to send an invite to each of the selected clubs. You can return at any time to update the settings. You will be returned to the main landing page for Club Management settings. A tile confirms the main settings. Use the Manage button to make any changes::


Each club will receive an invite for their club to participate in the competition season.

Once a club has accepted the invite, the club will appear in the list of Accepted clubs. Clubs that decline the invite will show in the list of Declined clubs Clubs yet to action the invite continue to appear in the list of Invited clubs:



How a club actions an invite

This task is undertaken by the club that has received an invite to be involved in a season of competition from an association, league, or tournament organisation.

To action an invite, club administrators select the Competition main menu link, and then the Invitations tab.  

Note: A 'blue circle' icon appears next to the Invitations tab when the club has an invite that has not been actioned.

The Invitations page will show any pending invites to be accepted or declined, as well as shows previously actioned invites including the detail of the corresponding season and competition.  Use the Accept or Decline button to action the invite:


Actioning the invite will result in being returned to the My Competitions tab. From here you can select the View button to administrate the season:


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