Releases week of 11th of February 2020

The following are functional, user interface, and user experience improvements due to be deployed within the PlayHQ platform on February 11, 2020.

Family Member Discount


A new Family Member Discount section within the Registration settings for Clubs and

Associations has been added. These organisations will be able to offer a discount to their fees to subsequent player registrations under the same account holder and within the same Competition and Season.

This feature has the following benefits:

  • Administrators can set a percentage discount that applies to all subsequent registrations to the same competition and season at their organisation, made by the same account holder.
  • Administrators can manage the discount status as ”Active” or ”Inactive”.
  • Administrators can create and edit family member discounts between one and one hundred percent for subsequent player registration fees.
  • Participants will see if a discount has been applied on their player registration forms and invoice.
  • An enhanced Transaction Report will display discount columns for easy tracking purposes.
  • A one-time set up for the Family Member Discount. It will be applied to Association 'Participant to Season' and 'Participant to Team' registration forms, and for Clubs, the 'Participant to Club' and 'Participant to Club Team' participant registration forms.


  • The Family Member Discount is not applicable for the Association 'Team to Season' registration form.
  • Players who have previously registered for a season and competition then re-register will not be eligible for the discount.

Custom fields


The current release of 'Custom Fields' feature provides the following capabilities to Clubs and Associations:

  • Association and Club administrators can create 'Participant Custom Fields' for a competition/season for different Participant Types (Player, Coach, Team Manager).
  • Custom Fields can be created with two data types: 'text field' or 'dropdown list'.
  • Association admins can control their own Custom Field visibility on their organisation’s Participant Profiles and Registration Forms as well as on the Club's Participant Profiles and Registration Forms.
  • Club admins can control their own Custom Fields visibility on their organisation’s Registration Forms.
  • Club admins can see Custom Fields created by an Association (if they have been made visible on Club Profiles or Forms) in read-only mode.
  • Association and Club admins can Edit and Delete custom fields that they configured.
  • Association and Club admins can re-order their own Custom Fields and the new order will be reflected on Registration Forms.
  • There are checks and warnings in place to prevent data loss if custom fields were deleted and there was data already captured for them.
  • Participants can complete Custom Fields during the registration process, and Custom Field responses will be captured and stored against their Participant Profile.
  • Association and Club admins can view Custom Field responses in Participant Profiles in the Admin Portal.

What’s coming next with Custom Fields

  1. Association and Club admins can answer/edit answers to Custom Field questions on behalf of the Participant in the Admin Portal.
  2. The number of Participant Custom Fields that can be added by one organisation is limited to 50.
  3. Association and Club admins can report on Participant Custom Field values.
  4. Association and Club admins can create Team Custom Fields (including all similar features as Participant Custom Fields). 


  • A statement for all new registrations (i.e. Sign-Ups) to PlayHQ will see a message - ensuring accounts being set up on behalf of someone else are being created correctly and not in the child’s name for example.


  • Association and Admin Bodies without a Stripe ID (Payment system) will not be able to save Club Management setting fees greater than $0.00.
  • The Game Day scoresheet won’t display players marked as ”Out”. However, if no players have been selected in the line-up then all players will display as “In” so games played records are correct.
  • Scoresheets won’t incorrectly display names if players have been selected for both teams in a game.
  • During the registration process, if participants navigate 'Back' from the 'Fees & Products' step they will no longer lose their details.
  • Transaction Report changed column heading from 'Organisation Managing Competition' to 'Organisation Registering to'.
  • Changes to scores, statistics, or players will update and correctly reflect on the page when 'Update Changes' is selected, without the need to refresh the page.
  • The Games Played report now orders lowercase and uppercase team names correctly.
  • The Fill-in report now has an additional column to display player numbers.
  • When refreshing electronic scoring when the period had finished the clock was reset to the start of the period.


Originally, the merchandise/products feature was scheduled to be released by mid-February. In consultation with the PlayHQ team, and due to public demand – Basketball Victoria have decided to prioritise and bring forward the release of individual statistics and game centres for participants, therefore the release of merchandise/products has been postponed until mid-March. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to administrators in the short term.

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