Generate a Program Participation Report

The program participation report allows administrators to download a list of participants registered to a program season; including participant profile, registration, group, and custom field details. The report contains both active and cancelled participants.


You can find the report, by selecting Reports from the side bar navigation, then the Programs tab, and follow the steps below depending on the organisation type.


As a club or association

Select a Program and Season(s) from the dropdown and optionally filter by Registered from and to dates, then select Generate:

Screen Shot 2024-05-30 at 2.12.26 pm.png

Your report will be generated in the background and appear in the Generated Reports section when ready. Select Download to download the report from the Generated Reports tab.


As an administrative body

Select an Organisation, Format, Program and Season(s) from the dropdown and optionally filter by Registered from and to dates, then select Generate:

Screen Shot 2024-05-30 at 2.17.12 pm.png


Your report will be generated in the background and appear in the Generated Reports section when ready. Select Download to download the report from the Generated Reports tab.

šŸ“  Note: Only custom fields created by your organisation and parent organisations will appear in the report.


Customise the Program Participation Report

Navigate to the Program Participants report, following the steps above and select the customise button. Within the customise page optionally utilise any of collection of the following features:

  • Hide/show fields - Toggle fields or field categories on/off for what you would like to download in the report
  • Advanced filters - Filter on fields annotated with the filter icon or select the 'All filters' button where you can access all advanced filters in one place
  • Unique participants - Now, with just one click, you can download only unique participant reports, eliminating duplicates effortlessly. All records is selected as default, when the unique participants toggle is selected we will lock down fields that can cause a duplicate record, as well as filter cancelled registrations. Please note, the role field can still cause duplicate profiles to appear if a registrant has registered as more than one role type, please filter this field to achieve your desired outcome.
  • Multi-season selector - You can now download multiple seasons of registration data in one report.
  • Templating - Save your choice of customisation features in a custom report that can be easily reused by anyone at your organisation. 


Fields Content

The Participants Report will include detailed information of each participant as a separate row, with the following participant details displayed as columns in this order:


Field Name

Field Description

Sample Data


Registration Timestamp Date and time the participant's registration/transfer occurred
The UTC timestamp needs to be converted to the ā€˜USING ASā€™ Orgs timezone.
Eg. If I'm running the report the report for AFL, and I'm ā€˜Using asā€™ an org in Melbourne, if a registration occurred in Perth at 06:00:03 - the timestamp will reflect 09:00:03
12/05/2021 18:08 dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM 24hr time
First Name First name from the profile of the participant Theodore String
Last Name Last name from the profile of the participant Malone String
Preferred Name Preferred name from the profile of the participant Teddy String
Profile ID PlayHQ's unique identifier of the participant's profile f48cce14-2d23-41a-8b03-d293a441c8c6 UUID
Date of Birth Participant's Date of Birth 12/05/2009 Date
Gender Participantā€™s gender Picklist
Different Identity (self description)
Prefer not to say
Role Role that the participant chose to register as. Chosen role impacts many fields below Player, Coach, Team Manager, Volunteer, Official, Medical Officer String
Source Shows whether this participant is from a registration or from a transfer. Registration, Transfer Boolean
Status Registration status; ā€˜Activeā€™ the participation record is active or ā€˜Cancelledā€™ the participation record has been cancelled or the participation record has been transferred out Active, Cancelled String
Cancellation Reason Text entered by admins when cancelling a registration. Will only populate when status = cancelled [Text] eg. Accidentally registered to the wrong competition String
School Details School name and address participant selected during registration. WIll always populate for participants under 18 years of age. Picklist from schools list
St Paul Apostle South School, Endeavour Hills VIC 3802
School Year School year as selected during registration. WIll always populate for participants under 18 years of age. Picklist:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Completed School
Not Applicable
Program based Custom Fields (All)* Dynamic fields will display ALL relevant custom fields from the applicable registration forms. This includes ALL custom fields set from the administrative body to the using as organisation. Field: Which team do you support?
Record: Brisbane Lions
Organisation Registering To ID PlayHQ's unique identifier of the org that the participant is registering to 1ede1f00-1dc3-44a4-9185-7cad170b12cf UUID
Organisation Registering To Name Name of the org that the participant is registering to EDFL String
Program Name of the program the participant is registering to Auskick String
Shared Shared Program = Yes, while Local Program = No Yes
Format Format the program is run as. Depends on the tenant.
Eg. BV: Beginner, camp, clinic, event, high performance, waitlist
Dependant on tenant config
Group Name of the group the participant is allocated to. Monday A, Tuesday C String
Season Name of the season the participant is registering to. 2021 String
Order Number The order number that is associated with the registration. This number is available in all financial reports and invoices 25981007 String
Privacy Setting Current 'Privacy Setting' of the participant's profile Private
Opted In To Marketing This shows whether or not the participant checked the box about receiving information from the org and governing bodies Options: No/Yes Boolean
Account Holder Indicates whether or not the profile belongs to the account holder or a dependant of an account holder. Yes

Account Holder Mobile Mobile phone number for the PlayHQ account that is associated with the profile Depends which country code is selected.
Australia = 61412345678
Account Holder Email Email address for the PlayHQ account that is associated with the profile String
Participant Address Address on participant profile 123 Fake St String
Participant Suburb/Town Suburb on participant profile Brighton String
Participant Postcode Post code on participant profile 3245 String
Participant State/Province/Region State on participant profile Picklist when Australia is used. Free text elsewhere String
Participant Country Country on participant profile Picklist from listed countries String
For AU tenants:
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
For NZ tenants:
Participant origin/ethnicity as selected during registration AU Picklist:
Yes, Aboriginal
Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Prefer not to say
NZ Picklist:
List of 20 common ethnic groups
Prefer not to say
Participant Country of Birth Participantā€™s country of birth on profile Picklist of all selectable countries e.g. Australia String
AU ONLY: Parent/Guardian Born Overseas? If the answer is Yes, it will open up the two next fields.
If the answer is No or Do not wish to disclose, the below fields will be null
Yes, No or Do not wish to disclose Boolean
AU ONLY: Parent/Guardian1 Country Of Birth Cannot be null IF answered Yes above Picklist
All selectable countries
AU ONLY: Parent/Guardian2 Country Of Birth Cannot be null IF answered Yes above Picklist
All selectable countries
Disability Does the participant identify as living with a disability/disabilities?If the participant answers Yes, the following rows will become available for the participant to answer.Disability type is mandatory, and checkmarks. Picklist: Yes, No, Do not wish to disclose String
Disability Type If Yes above, the participant can check one or more of the listed disabilities they identify with. In the report, multiple disabilities will be comma separated.
Cannot be empty IF answered Yes above.
Multi-pick (checks):
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Blind and/or Low Vision
Cerebral PalsyDeaf and/or Hard of Hearing
Development CoordinationDisorder
Intellectual Disability
Physical Disability
Disability Other If participant checks other from above, they must list their disability/disabilities using a free text answer
Cannot be null IF checked ā€œOtherā€ above, else, will be empty.
Free Text response
eg. Autoimmune disease
Disability Assistance Optional question 'How can we help with the disability/disabilities the participant identifies living with? Free Text response e.g. ā€˜My daughter just needs some visual cues to help with her understandingā€™ String
WWC Number
WWC number stored against the profile 88452657 String
WWC Expiry Date
WWC expiry date stored against the profile 01/02/2023 String
WWC State of Issue
WWC state stored against the profile Picklist: (can just show a couple of the below)
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Coaching Accreditation Level
Coaching accreditation selected at the time of registration. Only available for coach registrations. Picklist:(can show a couple options)
Community Coach
Club Coach
Association Coach
Performance Coach
Master Coach
Iā€™m Not Sure
Parent/Guardian1 First Name Parent/Guardian1 first name Bobby String
Parent/Guardian1 Last Name Parent/Guardian1 last name Brown String
Parent/Guardian1 Mobile Parent/Guardian1 mobile number Depends which country code is selected.
Australia (report cuts of the zero) 41xxxxxxx
Parent/Guardian1 Email Parent/Guardian1 email String
Parent/Guardian1 Address Parent/Guardian1 address 1 Lake St String
Parent/Guardian1 Suburb/Town Parent/Guardian1 suburb Brighton String
Parent/Guardian1 Postcode Parent/Guardian1 postcode 3145 String
Parent/Guardian1st State/Province/Region Parent/Guardian1 State New South Wales String
Parent/Guardian1 Country Parent/Guardian1 country Australia String
Parent/Guardian2 First Name Parent/Guardian2 first name Jeff String
Parent/Guardian2 Last Name Parent/Guardian2 last name Jones String
Parent/Guardian2 Mobile Parent/Guardian2 mobile Depends which country code is selected.
Australia (report cuts of the zero) 41xxxxxxx
Parent/Guardian2 Email Parent/Guardian2 email String
Parent/Guardian2 Address Parent/Guardian2 address 12 Burns Ave String
Parent/Guardian2 Suburb/Town Parent/Guardian2 suburb Highett String
Parent/Guardian2 Postcode Parent/Guardian2 postcode 3154 String
Parent/Guardian2 State/Province/Region Parent/Guardian2 state Victoria String
Parent/Guardian2 Country Parent/Guardian2 country Australia String
Emergency Contact First Name Emergency contact first name James String
Emergency Contact Last Name Emergency contact last name Burnton String
Emergency Contact Mobile Number Emergency contact mobile Depends which country code is selected.
Australia (report cuts of the zero) 41xxxxxxx
Emergency Contact Email Emergency contact email String
Emergency Contact Relationship Emergency contact relationship Parent String





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