This articles describes how to view and adjust team totals and player statistics
Viewing Scorecard
To view a summary of the team scores, player statistics and bowler statistics, select Scorecard from the main scoresheet, or end of over, innings or game forms.
A red icon will appear if the scorecard has been adjusted
Adjusting a teams innings score
To adjust a teams innings total, select the innings you wish to adjust
Select the Plus icon aligned with the Adjust Total innings Score
Enter the adjustment you wish to make, this can be both positive or a negative adjustment and select Apply Adjustment
This adjustment will always be visible throughout the match when you enter the Scorecard view. You can update or remove the adjustment anytime throughout the game by returning the adjustment to 0
Adjusting a batters run total
To adjust a batters runs total, select the innings you wish to adjust their score in
Select the Plus icon aligned with the Batter that you wish to adjust
Enter the adjustment you wish to make, this can be both positive or a negative adjustment and select Apply Adjustment
This adjustment will always be visible throughout the match when you enter the Scorecard view. You can update or remove the adjustment anytime throughout the game by returning the adjustment to 0