Release Notes - 21st March 2022

We are excited to announce the below features will be released in Play HQ UAT environment on Friday 18th March 2022 and production on Monday 21st March 2022.

All sports
Feature Description 

“Get Active Kids Vouchers” Victoria


The 'sports voucher' program is designed to increase the number of children playing organised sport by reducing cost as a barrier to participation. The Victorian Government provides vouchers to participants which can then be used at checkout via PlayHQ and is deducted from their fees.  Organisations will be able to report on these transactions to claim reimbursement.

Each organisation that wishes to be involved must be an approved activity provider and parents/guardians must also apply to the government to receive their unique voucher code.

Click here for the support article which includes information on how organisations can set up government vouchers.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins | Participants

New Organisation Selector


We’re constantly looking for ways to make the PlayHQ experience more efficient. Changing from an organisational filter to search is an example of that, increasing the speed of locating organisations.

To keep load time to a minimum, search is enabled after three key strokes. This feature also allows for search of non-alpha characters, an example of this would be St Francis’ Football Club.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins

Adding Fixture Upload Help Text

Adding text has been added to the fixture upload explanation to ensure clearer communication. The fixture settings have been relocated to under the ‘more’ dropdown menu.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins

Unsubscribe Wording Update

Text change within the unsubscribe email.

Applicable to: Participants


Feature Description 

Emergency Players


Players are named as emergencies for a game to cover any late changes to players named in the lineup for a game.  When selecting a lineup prior to a game, team selectors can now add "emergency" players, who can take the place of any player in the "lineup" if someone is unavailable to play due to illness or injury.

For details on how to set up Emergency Players within PlayHQ, click here for the support article.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins | Participants

Transfer/Permit Player Search Using Non-Alpha Characters


Season permit organisational search as well as season permit limit exclusions search now allows administrators to search using non-alpha characters.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins


Cricket ONLY
Feature Description 

Fall Of Wicket


A wicket falls and the team score is recorded into PlayHQ at point of dismissal. Although it mightn’t seem like much, at the end of an innings we’re all guilty of scanning through the fall of wicket column to analyse a team's batting performance. This is now possible on PlayHQ.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins

Net Run Rate Calculation


Cricket e-scoring now calculates a teams run rate, this will also feed into team score projection.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins

Cricket Live Scoring on PlayHQ Public Portal

Live scoring for Cricket has now been enabled on PlayHQ’s public portal allowing participants, parents and other spectators to follow games in real time on

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins | Participants

Batting/Bowling Limits + Syncing Wicket/Extra Data

Administrators can add a limit to balls faced or runs made by batsman, and overs bowled by bowlers, more so applicable for junior cricket.

Applicable to: Club and Association Admins

Unable To Exit Event Log On Mobile Device

Administrators can now exit the event log without any hassle.

E Scoring Performance Improvements

Event log now reads from key intervals during the match rather than every ball/event. This was affecting performance especially in longer formats.

Scoring Buttons Now Pinned

Previous to this enhancement, scoring buttons were at times lost off the screen. Now buttons are pinned to the bottom of the device.

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