PlayHQ Administrators have access to manage administrative functions in their organisation(s). There are different Administrator types available, depending on the organisation type.

Electronic Scoring Admins only have access to score games that are scheduled by or for that organisation. They are the only administrator role that does not have access to the Admin Portal but have permission to access the PlayHQ electronic scoring portal (


Club Administrators

Administrator Role Type Access to view
  Admin Portal Own organisation Child organisations All organisations eScoring Portal
Club Admin Yes Yes - - Yes
Electronic Scoring Admin - - - - Yes


Association Administrators

Administrator Role Type Access to view
  Admin Portal Own organisation Child organisations All organisations eScoring Portal
Full Access Admin Yes Yes - - Yes
Affiliate Admin Yes Yes Yes* - Yes
Electronic Scoring Admin - - - - Yes

* Affiliate Admins can only see club organisations if the association is set to be a parent of those clubs.

Administration Body Administrators

Administrator Role Type Access to view
  Admin Portal Own organisation Child organisations All organisations eScoring Portal
Super Admin (Sporting Codes Only) Yes Yes Yes Yes^ Yes
Administrative Body Admin Yes Yes Yes - Yes
Full Access Admin Yes Yes - - Yes
Electronic Scoring Admin - - - - Yes

^ Super Admin is the highest level administrator who can access all functionality and organisations. They are only available to the governing body (Tenant).



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