Editing your PlayHQ Profile Name or Date of Birth

PlayHQ profiles have certain fields that are locked and cannot be updated. These fields are:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Date of birth

In order to update these fields, click here to contact your sporting organisation. When sending a support request, please include the details below:

# Information Additional Information
1 What is your first name, last name and date of birth?  
2 Would you like to change details in your profile or the details of a dependant? Dependants may be children. If changing details for a dependant, please provide their name along with your name.
3 What sports have you registered for previously, or what sports are you attempting to register for?  
4 What is the name of the organisation(s) (such as league, association or club) that you have registered for previously or attempting to register for?   
5 What is your current profile name and date of birth (or the dependants' profile)?  
6 What details would you like to change in the profile (or the dependants' profile)?

Include any reasons why you would like to make these changes. Such as spelling errors or marriage.

Supporting documentation or a photo of ID may be required.


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