PlayHQ profiles have certain fields that are locked and cannot be updated. These fields are:
- First name
- Last name
- Date of birth
In order to update these fields, click here to contact your sporting organisation. When sending a support request, please include the details below:
# | Information | Additional Information |
1 | What is your first name, last name and date of birth? | |
2 | Would you like to change details in your profile or the details of a dependant? | Dependants may be children. If changing details for a dependant, please provide their name along with your name. |
3 | What sports have you registered for previously, or what sports are you attempting to register for? | |
4 | What is the name of the organisation(s) (such as league, association or club) that you have registered for previously or attempting to register for? | |
5 | What is your current profile name and date of birth (or the dependants' profile)? | |
6 | What details would you like to change in the profile (or the dependants' profile)? |
Include any reasons why you would like to make these changes. Such as spelling errors or marriage. Supporting documentation or a photo of ID may be required. |