hat owApplicable to: Admin Body and Association Administrators
Application(s): Admin Portal > My Organisation
This article will cover the following:
- A detailed overview of the Mobile App Sponsorship feature
What is the Mobile App Sponsorship feature?
The mobile app sponsorship feature allows those organisations with one of PlayHQ's white label apps to configure ad banners on particular pages within the app.
Where do I manage Mobile App Sponsorships?
If your organisation has a PlayHQ app AND have asked for the sponsorship feature to be available, you will be able to find this feature in the My Organisation>Overview section of the Admin Portal under the Sponsorship Advertising heading.
The Sponsorship Advertising tab will only be available to Super Admins at the Tenant level Admin Body, initially.
In order for the Sponsorship Advertising tab to be made available to other Admin Bodies and Associations, the Tenant level Admin Body must first include those organisations in the Child Organisations selector on the page. This will be explained in further detail later on in this article.
Mobile App Sponsorships Configuration Overview
Guidelines for the following are stated at the top of the Sponsorship Advertising page (see these items bulleted out below). Any images uploaded that do not meet this criteria will not be able to be successfully uploaded.
Image criteria:
- 780 x 80 pixels
- Maximum file size of 5MB
- JPEG or PNG format
Using sponsorship advertising
The mechanics of using mobile app sponsorship advertising are quite simple. For a particular location you'd like to place an add in, simply:
- Choose the Upload Image button
- Locate the ad you'd use - ensure that it meets the image criteria
- Enter an associated Destination URL (it is required)
- Hit the Update & Save button
- You may use the "Delete Image" button to remove and image (and then choose another if you would like)
The ad will immediately be available on the corresponding page(s) upon save.
When a user clicks on the ad, they will be taken to the corresponding Destination URL in a webview.
Global sponsorship areas
Global sponsorship areas can only be managed by the tenant organisation. That is, they will not be able to be used by child organisations. A breakdown of each option is listed below, along with an example of how an ad might look in each location.
Home Page
When an ad is placed on the Home Page, it will appear like this:
Favourites Page
When an ad is placed on the Favourites Page, it will appear like this:
Note that as you interact with the different types of favourites, the ad will continue to display.
Search Page
When an ad is placed on the Search Page, it will appear like this:
Note that the ad will display across both Players and Club/Association search and will continue to display on the search results pages, as well.
Profile Page
When an ad is placed on the Profile Page, it will appear like this:
Note that as you interact with the different tabs available for a profile e.g. Career, Seasons, Teams, the ad will continue to display.
Competition page sponsorship areas
Competition page sponsorship areas can be managed by the tenant organisation, or can be managed by other Admin Bodies or Associations in a tenant (more on this in a later section). A breakdown of each option is listed below, along with an example of how an ad might look in each location.
Grade Pages
When an ad is placed on the Grade Pages, it will appear like this:
Note that as you interact with the different tabs available for a grade e.g. Fixture, Ladder, Statistics, Details, the ad will continue to display. It will also display on the Grade selection page within a Season.
Team Pages
When an ad is placed on the Team Pages, it will appear like this:
Note that as you interact with the different tabs available for a team e.g. Fixture, Ladder, Details, the ad will continue to display.
Game Centre Pages
When an ad is placed on the Game Centre Pages, it will appear like this:
Note that as you interact with the different tabs available on a game centre e.g. Summary and Line-ups, the ad will continue to display.
Child organisations
A section titled "Child Organisations" will appear to the tenant organisation on the Sponsorship Advertising page, only.
This section allows the tenant organisation to specify any other organisations in the tenant that could also manage mobile app sponsorship advertisements.
The tenant organisation simply needs to search for and select the Admin Bodies / Associations it would like to have this capability. Note that Clubs cannot be selected to have this capability.
I've selected child organisations, now what?
There is an additional step that a tenant organisation needs to take to allow child organisations the ability to manage mobile app ads. Within the Competition pages, the tenant organisation will need to toggle the "Allow Child Organisation to Manage" to ON:
Doing so will make the pages unavailable to the tenant org for sponsorship and the control of ads on those pages will be in the hands of the named child organisations.
Note that the ability for child organisations to manage ads is only available to the Competition pages items - this option is NOT available for the Global options.
Managing App Sponsorships as a Child Organisation
Once a child organisation has been named in the Child Organisation selector by the tenant organisation, the Sponsorship Advertising tab will appear for a super admin who has navigated to the child organisation, only i.e. it will NOT appear for admins that belong to the child organisation.
Once the Sponsorship Advertising tab is available in a child organisation, only those Competition page options where the tenant organisation has configured to "Allow Child Organisation to Manage" will be available for ad placement. For instance, in the following example, only Grade Pages have been made available for child organisations to manage. Because Hills District was named as a child organisation, they may choose to configure ads for these pages:
Note that if multiple children in a hierarchy have configured an ad for the same location, the ad belonging to the highest organisation in the org hierarchy will display.