Generate a Payout Report

The Payout Report generates the detail of each payout from your organisation's Stripe Connect Account to your organisation's Bank Account(s). 

To generate a Payout Report, select Reports, then the Financial tab, and then the Payout Report. Select the relevant Dates to run the report, and then click the Generate button:

Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 4.37.57 pm.png

The report will be generated and a success message at the bottom of the page will indicate that report is ready to be downloaded:

payout 2.png


Go to the 'Generated Reports' tab to see the list of generated reports:

payout 3.png


Click the Download button to download the report in .csv format. The Payout Report will include detailed information of each payout as a separate row, with the following transaction details displayed as columns:

  • Date
  • Payout ID
  • Status
  • Amount
  • Bank Account*
  • Payout Service*

*The below table showcases updates made to report headers and fields from original reports:

Original Report Header New Report Header Change
  Bank Account

Not shown previously

Last four digits of the organisation's bank account to receive the disbursement related to the transaction

  Payout Service

Not shown previously 

Service associated with the payout


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