Generate a Transaction Report

The Transaction Report generates the detail based on all transactions your members have processed to your organisation. 

To generate a Transaction Report, select Reports, then the Financial tab, and then the Transaction Report. Select the relevant Date filter e.g. by Transaction or Payout, input Dates and then click the Generate button:

Screen Shot 2024-03-15 at 1.09.30 pm.png


The report will be generated and a success message at the bottom of the page will indicate that report is ready to be downloaded:Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 4.02.04 pm.png


Go to the 'Generated Reports' tab to see the list of generated reports. 

Screen Shot 2024-01-26 at 4.04.16 pm.png


Click the Download button to download the report in .csv format. The Transaction Report will include detailed information of each transaction as a separate row, with the following transaction details displayed as columns:

Field Name Field Description Sample Data Type
Date Date the transaction took place i.e. registration 02/08/2021 dd/mm/yyyy
Timestamp 24hr time the transaction took place i.e. registrationHH:MM 13:05 HH:MM
Organisation Organisation the fee belongs to i.e. name of the organisation running the report Basketball Victoria String
First Name First name of the participant that was registered Brett String
Last Name Last name of the participant that was registered Walch String
Profile ID PlayHQ profile id of the participant that was registered a5e954dc-776f-4cf2-9a89-24baad555a5a UUID
Date of Birth (new) Date of Birth on participant’s profile dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 12/05/2009 Date 
Gender (new) Participant’s gender on profile

Different Identity (fluid)




Prefer not to say

Role Role that the participant was registered as Player String
Account Holder Email Email belonging to the account holder that completed the registration for participant String
Account Holder Mobile Mobile number (incl country code) belonging to the account holder that completed the registration for participant 61400000000 String
Participant Address (new) Address on participant profile 12 Long Road String
Participant Suburb/Town (new) Suburb on participant profile Brighton String
Participant Postcode (new) Post code on participant profile 3245 String
Participant State/Province/Region (new) State on participant profile Victoria String
Participant Country (new) Country on participant profile Australia String
Team Name Name of team that was registered using the Team to Season form The Koalas String
Organisation Registering To ID PlayHQ unique identifier for theorganisation that the participant was registered to a9e954dc-666f-4cf2-6a66-24baad3211111 UUID
Organisation Registering To Name Organisation that the participant was registered to Blue Demo Raiders Club String
Host Organisation ID PlayHQ unique identifier for the organisation hosting the Competition or Program a9e954dc-666f-4cf2-6a66-24baad3211111 UUID
Host Organisation Name Organisation that host’s the Competition or Program a9e954dc-666f-4cf2-6a66-24baad32222 UUID
Order Number Numerical ID of the order that the transaction is associated with 10005753 Number
Order ID UUID of the entire order of the transaction a9e954dc-666f-4cf2-6a66-24baad328a6a UUID
Order Item ID UUID of the line item for the transaction a9e954dc-776f-4cf2-9a89-24baad328a6a UUID
Type of Registration Type of registration the transaction is associated with. Competition, Shared Program, Local Program String
Registration Name of the Competition or Program that the registration is associated with Domestic Competition String
Season Name Name of the Season that the registration is associated with Winter 2021 String
Product Type Type of product the transaction is associated with. MEMBERSHIP, REGISTRATION, MERCHANDISE, FUNDRAISING String
Membership Type Type of membership the transaction is associated with Player; Coach; Team Manager; Volunteer String
Membership Start Date (new) Start date of membership for global memberships dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 12/05/2009 Date 
Membership End Date (new) End date of membership for global memberships dd/mm/yyyy e.g. 12/05/2009 Date 
Membership Length (new) Length of membership in days 365 Number
Product Name Name of the product purchased. This can be membership, registration or merchandise name. Registration (2024, School Holiday Program), Hoodie String
Fee Name Name of the advanced fee that the transaction is associated with, if applicable Junior fee String
Merchandise Variant Name of the merchandise variant purchased for transaction “S,Red” String
Merchandise SKU SKU of the merchandise variant purchased for transaction SMRED String
Order Item Price Full price amount of the single item purchased as part of the transaction $200.00 Number
Quantity Quantity of the item purchased as part of the transaction 2 Number
Total Sale Amount Total price of the transaction line incorporating quantity. $400.00 Number
Discount Name Name of the discount applied to the transaction, if applicable 50% Family Member Discount Number
Discount Rate Rate of the discount applied to the transaction, if applicable 50% Number
Discount Amount Applied Discount amount applied to the transaction, if applicable $25.00 Number
Voucher Name Name of the PHQ voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable Early Bird Discount Number
Voucher Code PHQ voucher code used against the transaction, if applicable AF0D66EB Number
Voucher Amount Full amount of the PHQ voucher (of which either the full amount or only a portion was) applied to the transaction, if applicable $100.00 Number
Voucher Amount Applied Amount of the PHQ voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable $25.00 Number
Government Voucher Name Name of the Government voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable FairPlay Voucher Number
Government Voucher Amount Full amount of the Government voucher (of which either the full amount or only a portion was) applied to the transaction, if applicable $150.00 Number
Government Voucher Amount Applied Amount of the Government voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable $39.00 Number
Promotional Voucher Name Name of the Promotional voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable Woolworth’s Blast Voucher Number
Promotional Voucher Amount Full amount of the Promotional voucher (of which either the full amount or only a portion was) applied to the transaction, if applicable $25.00 Number
Promotional Voucher Amount Applied Amount of the Promotional voucher applied to the transaction, if applicable $25.00 Number
Subtotal (Order Item Price x Quantity) - Discount Amount Applied - Voucher Amount Applied - Government Voucher Amount Applied - Promotional Voucher Amount Applied $18.90 Number
GST Incl. Amount of GST included in the transaction Payment Received, if applicable $3.55 Number
PlayHQ Fee Amount taken from the Payment Received amount to cover the PlayHQ fee $1.36 Number
Net Amount Payment Received - PlayHQ Fee $37.64 Number
Bank Account Last four digits of the organisation’s bank account to receive the disbursement   String
Payout Status Payout status of the transaction. DISBURSEMENT_NOT_REQUIRED, TRANSFER_PENDING, DISBURSED String
Payout Date Date that a payout from Stripe was completed. 2021-11-03 YYYY-MM-DD
Payout ID UUID of a payout that was made from Stripe. 84eaffbd-63d1-46f6-8b3c-0ab180760203 UUID
Payout Service Service associated with the payout STRIPE, PAYPAL String


*The below table showcases updates made to report headers and fields from original reports:

Original Report Header New Report Header Change


Not shown previously

This is the exact timestamp the transaction occurred


First Name

Separate name into two columns; one for first name and another for last name
Last Name
  Profile ID

Not shown previously

This is the unique PLayHQ ID associated with the users profile who made the transaction. 

Account Holder Phone Account Holder Mobile Same field, field name updated
  Organisation Registering To ID

Not shown previously

This is the unique PLayHQ ID associated with the organisation (below)

Organisation Registering To Organisation Registering To Name Same field, field name updated
  Competition Registering To ID

Not shown previously

PlayHQ unique identifier for the organisation hosting the Competition. This field will not populate for transactions relating to a program.

  Competition Registering To Name

Not shown previously

Organisation that host’s the Competition. This field will not populate for transactions relating to a program.

  Order ID

Not shown previously

PlayHQ unique ID related to the order of this transaction

  Total Sale Price

Not shown previously

Multiplication of fields Order Item Price and Quantity to detail the total sale price of the transaction line item

  Bank Account

Not shown previously

Last four digits of the organisation's bank account to receive the disbursement related to the transaction

  Payout Service

Not shown previously 

Service associated with the payout

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