Rolling over a season

Applicable to: Association Administrators
Application(s): Admin Portal > Competition Setup > Seasons

This article will cover the following:

  1. An overview of when the season rollover is available.
  2. An overview of the season rollover process and what is/is not included..

Related articles:


Completing a season rollover will save you time by ensuring that certain settings (particularly in the Club Management area if clubs are involved in your season) are copied over to serve as a starting point for a new season.


This article describes how to initiate and complete a season rollover.


Using the season rollover

To begin a season rollover, navigate to the Seasons page for a Competition of any type i.e. the season rollover will be available for Domestic, Home & Away, and Tournament Competitions.


Season rollover button and its availability

On a Competition Seasons page, you will see a Rollover Season button appear next to the Add Season button in either an active or inactive state. First, we will explain when the option is and is not available.


Inactive state

The Rollover Season button will appear in an inactive state if either of the following is the case:

  • No seasons have been created yet for the competition.
  • There are no more season names available to create a new season for (the Add Season button will be inactive, as well, if this is the case).



Active state

The Rollover Season button will appear in an active state if all of the following is true:

  • At least 1 other season exists in the competition.
  • There is at least 1 season name available to create a new season for.



The season rollover wizard

Once an active Rollover Season button is pressed, you will first need to select the season of the same Competition that you would like to rollover from. This is called the source season.


NOTE that you can only rollover to and from seasons within the same competition i.e. you cannot roll a season of a different competition into the season of another.


"Create a new season" step of the season rollover wizard

After a source season is selected and you have chosen to Continue, the process continues on the "Create a new season" step of the wizard. Please note that:

  • If club management settings in the source season:
    • were configured, 2 dots will appear in the top middle portion of the page indicating that there will be a 2nd step. Please see the next section for more information on this additional step.
    • were not configured, the 2 dots will not appear as there will only be a single step to the season rollover.



Please take the time to read the note at the top of the page. It outlines what is NOT included in the season rollover i.e. not grades, association teams, nor club teams - these can all be rolled over separately. Participants will not be rolled over, either.


Let's look more closely at what is and is not rolled over in this step of the season rollover:

The following Season details will be rolled over, however you can make any changes needed to these details for the purposes of your new season:

  • Venues - Venues from the source season will appear on this page.
  • Age restrictions toggle - If age restrictions were enabled in the source season, they will be toggled on on this page, however, you will still need to enter the age restriction dates for the new season in order to continue.
  • Age groups - If age groups were enabled, the enabled age groups, as well as their Year ranges (including advanced settings, if used) will appear on this page. However, you will still need to enter the Calculate age of player as at date for the new season in order to continue

The following Season details are NOT rolled over:

  • Season name - You may select from the season names still available for the Competition you are working in.
  • Dates - No dates are rolled over. You will have to enter dates for the new season wherever they need to be entered e.g. season dates, exception dates, age restriction dates, etc...
  • Visibility - Visibility will always be set to "Hidden" on this page. If you would like to display the season on public pages right from the start, you may update this setting to "Visible".

Once all mandatory fields have been entered, depending on the scenario, you will either:

  • Choose the Next button if club management settings were used in the source season (see the next section below).
  • Complete the season rollover by choosing the Create Season button that is available if club management settings were not used in the source season (see "Completing the season rollover" section below).


"Club management settings" step of the season rollover wizard

If club management settings were used in the source season, you will need to complete a 2nd step in the season rollover wizard. 



Let's look more closely at what is and is not rolled over in this step of the season rollover:

The following Club Management Setting details will be rolled over, however you can make any changes needed to these details for the purposes of your new season:

  • Invited clubs - Any clubs invited to the source season will be displayed here. It does not matter if they accepted or declined the source season invite - if they were originally invited, they will appear.
  • Roles - Whatever roles were enabled in the source season will be available here.
  • Edit team name / assign player point toggles - These settings will retain their enabled/disabled state.
  • Registration fees - any fees set in the sources season will appear on this page.
  • Terms and conditions toggle - This setting will retain its enabled/disabled state.

The following Club Management Settings details are NOT rolled over:

  • Club Team Allocation Dates - No dates are rolled over. You will have to enter these dates for the new settings.
  • Age Limits - These will simply populate from the settings chosen in the previous Season step.
  • Custom Fields - No custom fields will be rolled over, however, if global custom fields have been configured by parent governing bodies for the destination season, they will display on this page.

Once all mandatory fields have been entered, you may either:

  • Complete the season rollover by choosing the Create Season button that is available (see "Completing the season rollover" section below).


Completing the season rollover

Once you've completed the rollover, the new season will be available in the competition. If you've completed the Club Management Settings step, you will see that this is configured in the new season and that the clubs you specified in the rollover wizard are invited.

Click on the following links to learn more about how to <Rollover Grades> or <Rollover Teams>.



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