Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Applicable to: Association and Club Administrators, Scorers, Participants
Application(s): Admin Portal > Login
Electronic Scoring Application ( > Login

This article will cover the following:

  1. How admins setup multi-factor authentication
  2. Resetting multi-factor authentication if required

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What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

PlayHQ has introduced the ability for some administrators to use multi-factor authentication (MFA) when accessing the platform.

MFA requires that you enter additional information to access your account. It’s also referred to as ‘two-factor authentication’ or ‘2FA’.

Using MFA increases your level of security, better protecting the personal information of participants across PlayHQ.

This feature is currently being piloted by our sporting partners (i.e. Basketball Victoria, AFL, Netball Australia, etc) and is not yet available to all administrators across PlayHQ. Please contact your sport’s support team to find out when this may be an option to switch on for your administrator account.

How to set up MFA on your administrator account

PlayHQ offers two methods of MFA – By an authentication app, or by SMS. 

To set up MFA on your account:

  1. Login to your administrator account in the Admin Portal. From the menu, click on your account details in the bottom left-hand corner and select Account.

  1. Switch to the Security tab, and click Set up Multi-Factor Authentication.

  1. Select the method of authentication you would like to use (authentication app or SMS).

Using the Authentication App method

Prompts will be provided on screen to download an authentication app (or open your existing one) and scan the QR code to set up a 6 digit code that will automatically generate every 30 seconds. 

  1. Download and set up an authentication app on your device to get codes when prompted during sign-in. Below is a list of some common authentication apps:
  1. Use your authentication app to scan the QR code on your screen. If you can't use a QR code, enter the unique code beneath this. 
  2. Once your security token (6 digit code) is set up in your authentication app, enter this on your screen and click Submit.
  3. You will be signed-out and prompted to log into your account, this time with your chosen authentication method.

Note: your 6 digit security code or token will automatically refresh every 30 seconds.

Using the SMS method

If you select the SMS method, enter select your mobile’s country code (AUS or NZ) and your mobile number on screen, then click Send Code to receive a one-time security code via SMS. Enter the code received via SMS and click Submit.

You will be signed-out and prompted to log into your account, this time with a new 6-digit code sent via SMS. If this is not received or if the code has timed out, click Resend a new code to have this sent again. 

How do I reset my MFA?

At any point you can switch from using the authentication app to the SMS method of multi-factor authentication (MFA), as well as the other way around.

If you lose or switch to a new phone, or accidentally delete your MFA security code or token from your authentication app, please contact your sport’s support team who can reset your MFA against your administrator account.

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