Ensure eScoring Is Activated

In order for eScoring to be enabled, Association Administrators need to turn on the Allow clubs to enter scores via electronic scorings setting.

Note: Club Administrators won't have this setting.

1. Login to your PlayHQ admin portal and navigate to Competition Management
2. Select the competition you wish to update
3. Select Settings.
4. Under the Settings main menu, select Grade Defaults.
5. Navigate down to General Settings and ensure that Allow clubs to enter scores via electronic scorings toggle is turned on.


This article describes how to record goals and misses against a player or team in the PlayHQ Netball electronic scoring application.

Recording a Goal against a player

To record a goal, select the player name:


Then selecting goal:


The player and team's goal totals will increase by one, the players attempt total will increase by one, and a confirmation message will be displayed after the score is recorded:


Recording a Goal against a team

Goals can also be recorded against a team by first selecting the team


Then selecting goal:


Recording a Miss against a player

To record a miss, select the player name:


Then select Miss:


The players attempt total will increase by one and a confirmation message will be displayed after the miss is recorded:




Goals or misses can also be recorded by first selecting the score or miss first:


Then selecting the player name or team name 


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